I will not rely on experience or science, for these can fail and deceive us. John of the Cross in the Prologue to the Ascent of Mt. The goal for this website is to present the timeless truths of the Catholic Faith from Scripture, the official teachings of the Catholic Church, the teachings of the Saints, and also the principles of spirituality through articles on this site and through links to other websites. Since our relationship with God touches many areas in our lives, a variety of experiences and relationships often are brought into spiritual direction as well. The spiritual director’s goal is to help the directee develop a closer relationship with God, discern how the Holy Spirit is leading, encourage the directee to say “yes” to God, and/or develop a deeper prayer life. While the Holy Spirit is the actual director, the spiritual director is there to listen to what is going on in the directee’s life and reflect back where God is acting, ask questions, and perhaps offer some insights. The focus of the one-on-one relationship between the spiritual director and directee is the directee’s relationship with God. In spiritual direction, two people come together in Jesus’s name. Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:20)